HTML代码 //模糊查询 绑定属性通过watch来监视input里得值变化
ID | 姓名 | 年龄 | 性别 | 医生姓名 | 科室 | 时间 | 操作 |
{ {}} | { {guahao.guaName}} | { {guahao.guaAge}} | { {guahao.guaSex}} | { {guahao.doctorEntity.doName}} | { {guahao.clinicEntity.clName}} | { {guahao.guaTime}} | |
无信息 |
var vm = new Vue({ el: "#box", data: { guahao:"", clinics: [], doctors: [], clselected: "", doselected:"", you: false, doname: false, input_value: "", entities: [{ id: "", guaName: "", guaAge: "", guaSex: "", doctorEntity: [{doName: ""}], clinicEntity: [{clName: ""}], guaTime: "" }] }, watch: { input_value: function (data) { if(typeof data==='string') if(data.trim().length!==0){ } }, clselected: function (data) { this.change(data) } }, methods: { search: function (resdata) { var that = this; //作用域不同要写that var guaName = resdata; $.ajax({ url: "findbyname.action", data: {name: guaName}, dataType: "json", type: "post", success: function (res) { console.log(res.guahaodanEntities); if (res.guahaodanEntities.length == 0) { that.$ = false; } else { that.$ = true; that.$data.entities = res.guahaodanEntities; } }, error: function () { alert("zzzz") } }) }, modify: function (guahao) { console.log(guahao); var that = this; this.guahao = guahao; $.ajax({ url: "findclinic.action", data: {}, dataType: 'json', error: function (e) { alert("1111") console.log(e) }, success: function (data) { console.log(data); data = data.clinicEntities; that.$data.clinics = data; }, type: 'POST' }); }, change: function (selected) { console.log(selected); this.$data.doname = true; var that = this; $.ajax({ url: "modfd.action", data: {"findclinicID": selected}, dataType: 'json', error: function (e) { alert("1111") console.log(e) }, success: function (data) { console.log(data); data = data.doctorEntities; that.$data.doctors = data; }, type: 'POST' }); }, saved:function () { var that = this; console.log(this.clselected); console.log(this.doselected); $.ajax({ url: "modghd2.action", data: { "":that.$, "clinicEntity.clId":that.$data.clselected, "doctorEntity.doId":that.$data.doselected }, dataType: 'json', error: function (e) { alert("1111"); console.log(e) }, success: function (data) { console.log(data) that.guahao.doctorEntity.doName=data.doctorEntity.doName; that.guahao.clinicEntity.clName=data.clinicEntity.clName; }, type: 'POST' }); } } })